109. The Second Officer, or, in certain ships designated by the Company, the First Officer, is responsible to the Commander for ensuring that all navigating appliances, books, Board of Trade publications and Notices and Charts, etc., are on board and in order.
110. The Second Officer will Personally receive and deliver all mails and will be responsible for their stowage and safe custody. When the quantity of mail necessitates more than one hatch being worked concurrently the Commander will arrange adequate supervision at all hatches under the overall responsibility and guidance of the Second Officer.
The Second Officer will in all circumstances he personally responsible for the tallying of all Red-label and diplomatic mails. If, however, the Commander is unable to provide adequate supervision from the ship's personnel at all hatches where mail is to he worked he may relieve the Second Officer from personal responsibility for tallying of ordinary mail, providing a satisfactory double tally is carried out by shore contractors and the
figures checked by the Second Officer. In such circumstances a suitable entry is to he made in the ship's
The Second Officer is to ensure that the Mail Rooms are at all times kept clean and free from
vermin. The Mail Room keys will always remain in his care, although the duplicate keys will he kept in the
Commander's safe.
The Second Officer will keep the Commander advised of the receipt and delivery
mail and of any discrepancy or damage which should he reported to the Agents concerned.
(See also Reg. 181).